Thursday, April 19, 2012

Oh sweet sweet Thursday...could you try and be kind?


The week is almost to an end...more like the week of random/funny/funky events is almost to an end.
(Thank you sweet Jesus)

This week has seriously seriously SERIOUSLY been a weird one.

From having this horrible cold that I feel like I am waging war with, to having to go to the Chiropractor...
Every. Single. Day.
this week because of the "awesome" pain I have been experiencing due to my cold and obviously from my car accident from December.
From getting very very very little sleep due to the above and trying to get some edits done.
Falling going up my stairs and almost breaking my lap top, but managing to save it even if it meant getting a lovely gnarly battle bruise, to then 5 minutes later falling down my stairs.
(Thankfully no one was home to witness this embarrassing clumsy moment)
I've managed to some how slap myself in the face with my iPhone pretty dang hard...
I don't know how that one happened)
Lost one of my fav little earrings. (I'll live)
Lost my voice on Monday night.
Slept past my alarm three times this week.
Had a maid and carpenter talk shiii about me while on a job site supervising.
(I don't know for a fact that they were speaking specifically about me..BUT I was the only "white girl" at the house)
Did I mention I sound like a man because of my hot!

My whole point is I think I am ready for some slack...just a little bit of slack from wacky events would be nice.

Today hasn't been too bad, but I am in an intense amount of pain in my neck.
I am just hoping that is the only annoying thing I experience today.
I don't think it would be too much for Thursday to be nice to me. :)

I know I know, wah wah wah, pooooor Ali.
But no, I am not looking for any sympathy...just wanted to vent a bit, plus I have actually been laughing at 98% of the stuff that has happened to me.

For a while now...probably the last 9 months of my life I have turned to laughing things off that usually would make me or anyone for that matter mad, sad, or frustrated I guess.

I just have come to a place where I really don't find a lot of things that happen to me worth my time getting stressed out or upset about.
Why get all worked up and pissed off and stomp my feet because of something that has happened that I can't control.

For example...the maid most likely talking bad about me...I laughed about it even though most of what I think she was saying was insulting...should I flip out and get mad about it? Should I stomp my feet up to her and tell her I know what she is saying about me...even though I only can decipher a few words she is saying?
I don't think it's worth it...I know that I am a good person and I try and be as kind to people as possible, so for someone to not like me or to feel the need to speak poorly of me I just don't see the point in letting me bother me and get me all worked up.
God loves me, God knows my heart, God has surrounded me with people who care for me and think highly of me, so why waste any energy worrying about some one who doesn't seem to agree.
No point.

Well there I go on another tangent. ha ha

Ohhhh what a space case I am today.

The whole point of this post was to simply just hope that Thursday was going to treat me well today and be gentle with me.
That would be nice, and greatly appreciated, but I am also am prepared for more wacky/unexpected events.

Well I hope this Thursday finds every one well.

Until next time<3

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

vlog: it's just a season

Oh the "kewl" sweet awesome stuff I've been experiencing lately....Just so awesome! (NOT)

I thought it'd be better explained and expressed thru a vlog.
Because hey, that is just how I like to roll these days.
(I think I kinda sorta like vlogging)

Enjoy. <3

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter (a day late)

Happy Easter!!
(I know I am a day late but hey it's been a hectic weekend)

Any who, what a wonderful weekend.
Lots and lots was going on this weekend.
Here is a brief run down...ready...Go:

Bought some camera goodies, spent time with my wonderful family,
volunteered with my step momma photographing little kiddos, blast and sang along to Christmas music in my car(yes I was listening to Christmas music in April), photographed a gorgeous wedding of an awesomely fun couple, volunteered at church all day Sunday, attended an awesome Easter service at church where I worshiped and thanked my sweet Jesus for this wonderful life he has blessed me with, hung out with my church family in between services, baked a "moustache" cake for my sisters birthday, and ended the weekend with a lovely Easter dinner/birthday dinner for my beautiful sister.

But I figured it would be more fun to show my weekend via pictures rather than write a loooong blog, because are always more fun :)

Jen Jen & I at the Speakman Weddin'

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Speakman :)

I love my Church, such an awesome service & message

Passing out water & candy to people waiting in line for service

Came across this old sweet photo of my sisters and I...look at those bangs

My gift from the Easter Bunny...smells so good! (Bieber Fever)

Happy Birthday Sweet Sister of mine <3