Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter (a day late)

Happy Easter!!
(I know I am a day late but hey it's been a hectic weekend)

Any who, what a wonderful weekend.
Lots and lots was going on this weekend.
Here is a brief run down...ready...Go:

Bought some camera goodies, spent time with my wonderful family,
volunteered with my step momma photographing little kiddos, blast and sang along to Christmas music in my car(yes I was listening to Christmas music in April), photographed a gorgeous wedding of an awesomely fun couple, volunteered at church all day Sunday, attended an awesome Easter service at church where I worshiped and thanked my sweet Jesus for this wonderful life he has blessed me with, hung out with my church family in between services, baked a "moustache" cake for my sisters birthday, and ended the weekend with a lovely Easter dinner/birthday dinner for my beautiful sister.

But I figured it would be more fun to show my weekend via pictures rather than write a loooong blog, because are always more fun :)

Jen Jen & I at the Speakman Weddin'

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Speakman :)

I love my Church, such an awesome service & message

Passing out water & candy to people waiting in line for service

Came across this old sweet photo of my sisters and I...look at those bangs

My gift from the Easter Bunny...smells so good! (Bieber Fever)

Happy Birthday Sweet Sister of mine <3


  1. what a freaking awesome cake! seriously i want that for my next birthday... which i just happen to be turning 27 haha.
