Sunday, November 4, 2012

30 days of Thanks: Day 3 & 4

Day 3:
I am thankful for STRIVE and our FUSE students and leaders. 
STRIVE was such a success, and we were able to give so much back to the Las Vegas community.
339 junior high students and leaders served all across the Las Vegas Valley.
painting curbs 
sorting books
pulling weeds/picking up garbage 
cleaning entire class rooms from head to toe
helping out at the Las Vegas Rescue Mission and the Ronald McDonald house
and so much more.
There wasn't anything we didn't do.
How cool is that?! 

I'm also super thankful for the wonderful team and staff I am blessed to be a part of at Central Christian Church.
All of the long, long hours that our team put in with:
phone calls
excel sheets
late nights
site visits
bumps in the road
more meetings
it ALL paid off.
I can not begin to describe the joy that it brings me to see the images pouring in from our STRIVE work day and seeing all the students and leaders working so hard, and doing it with such a HUGE smile across their face.
It is truly inspiring to see such selfless acts of service.
I am so so so proud to be a part of such a wonderful team and ministry.

Day 4:
I am thankful for maple bars and red bull editions the day after STRIVE.

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