Monday, October 3, 2011

work and thunder storms

Currently at work and all I can hear is the loud thunder above our office. Today the weather is absolutely perfect out. It feels like Fall finally, oh how I love fall season. It makes me feel so happy. It's even more perfect that it's overcast and it's been slightly sprinkling on and off all day by my office and I've been able to listen to thunder while working.

We all went out to check out the thunder

There is just something about overcast weather and rain that make my heart do a happy dance.

I think it's because any time it rains it reminds me of my childhood and how every time it would rain my mom would take us outside and we'd dance in the street while it poured. If we were at school all day while it was raining, when we would get home she'd have hot zucchini soup waiting for us. ::It was amazingly good::

I would love to be sitting at home right now, curled up in a blanket with some hot coffee watching the rain trickle down against my window.

But I am perfectly happy standing outside my office with the pup watching the rain and seeing/hearing the beautiful lightning and thunder.

enjoying the rain

Of course the pup enjoys watching the rain but when the crackling from the thunder hits she gets up and runs back in to the office, and then peeks out after a minute to see if it's gone.

hiding weim :)

Once I tell her it's okay she comes running back out and resumes sitting with me while watching the rain until the next roar of thunder hits.

she finally came back out to watch the rain some more

When it rains like this it is a reminder to me of how great God is and how he has created all of this. He is so powerful and creates such beautiful things. He is such an awesome God.

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